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Batho-Baso Auto Services CC intends to take an advantage of the opportunities offered to those who want to contribute towards the creation of jobs and economical development and upliftment in South Africa. The company boasts with exceptional knowledge of marketing and sales that the owner has a vast experience from while serving other companies. The company also wants to equip staff with responsibility and knowledge in the customer care service offering
Batho-Baso Auto Services CC is a black owned enterprise that was founded by Mr Stephen Mashita in 2004. The principal member has vast amount of experiece in Communications, Sales, Advertising and Marketing.
The company's core business is the servicing and repairs of BMW passenger vehicles using the highest quality in workmanship and expertise and is located in Pretoria and sourcing for new premises due to lack of capacity in the current one.Batho Baso Auto Services CC specializes in the servicing and repairs of BMW motor vehicles and it mainly target clients who drive vehicles that are out on maintanance plan.


Is to secure a long term profitability for the company through general supply services which will render both national and international. Build long term relationships based on clients’ needs and transparency in our business dealings. To become a premier first choice service provider to the widest possible market in South Africa.



To grow and build a reliable business that caters Gauteng and beyond. We want to build a value based culture which is founded on continuous improvement on customer service, common standards and total clients satisfaction. We aim to become the service provider of choice in the industry that we operate in.

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